• The buildings of the IfG Leipzig - Südwerkbunker (left) and the Kauengebäude (right)

    The buildings of the IfG Leipzig - Südwerkbunker (left) and the Kauengebäude (right)

  • The rock mechanical laboratory of the IfG Leipzig

    The rock mechanical laboratory of the IfG Leipzig

  • Drilling cores of the Leine rock salt (Na3)

    Drilling cores of the Leine rock salt (Na3)

  • Dimensioning


  • Large-diameter borehole experiment in Springen

    Large-diameter borehole experiment in Springen

  • Modelling of a cavern

    Modelling of a cavern

  • Subsidence over a	cavitary field (modelling)

    Subsidence over a cavitary field (modelling)

Purpose of the company

IfG is an independent, internationally acting geotechnical consultant servicing all geomechanical needs for underground mining, disposal and storage in underground openings.

We develop fundamental geomechanical / geotechnical safety concepts and produce evidence reports on rock-mechanical stability and long-term safety in the form of design concepts, site planning procedures and public acceptance procedures. Supported by combinations of in situ observations, geomechanical laboratory testing and numerical modelling we provide all expertise in rock mechanics, necessary to solve practical mining or repository problems and to reduce project risks.