• The buildings of the IfG Leipzig - Südwerkbunker (left) and the Kauengebäude (right)

    The buildings of the IfG Leipzig - Südwerkbunker (left) and the Kauengebäude (right)

  • The rock mechanical laboratory of the IfG Leipzig

    The rock mechanical laboratory of the IfG Leipzig

  • Drilling cores of the Leine rock salt (Na3)

    Drilling cores of the Leine rock salt (Na3)

  • Dimensioning


  • Large-diameter borehole experiment in Springen

    Large-diameter borehole experiment in Springen

  • Modelling of a cavern

    Modelling of a cavern

  • Subsidence over a	cavitary field (modelling)

    Subsidence over a cavitary field (modelling)

Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH
Friederikenstraße 60
04279 Leipzig - Germany

Südwerkbunker (Friederikenstraße 39); modelling
Kauengebäude  (Friederikenstraße 60); general management/laboratory/modelling

Telephone: +49 (0)341 - 33600 - 102
Telefax: +49 (0)341 - 33600 - 308
E-Mail: office(at)ifg-leipzig.de

Site plan of the two bulidings
