• The buildings of the IfG Leipzig - Südwerkbunker (left) and the Kauengebäude (right)

    The buildings of the IfG Leipzig - Südwerkbunker (left) and the Kauengebäude (right)

  • The rock mechanical laboratory of the IfG Leipzig

    The rock mechanical laboratory of the IfG Leipzig

  • Drilling cores of the Leine rock salt (Na3)

    Drilling cores of the Leine rock salt (Na3)

  • Dimensioning


  • Large-diameter borehole experiment in Springen

    Large-diameter borehole experiment in Springen

  • Modelling of a cavern

    Modelling of a cavern

  • Subsidence over a	cavitary field (modelling)

    Subsidence over a cavitary field (modelling)

Welcome to the website of the Institute of Geomechanics GmbH Leipzig

The IfG GmbH is one of the world-wide leading companies for all geomechanical questions while using of salt formation, e.g. salt mining, storage and waste disposal projects.

With our interdisciplinary aligned work area of numerical and experimental geomechanic as well as the geotechnical in situ field measurements we realize the required business activities.

In addition, we are also active in areas of rock and tunnel construction, special heavy construction and geo-measurements.

We have in each of these areas many years of experience and offer innovative and qualified services, and research. This means a higher level of competence and professional suitability for you!

Contact us, what we can do for you.



"Geomechanical Integrity of Host and Barrier Rocks" as book available

The IfG participated, together with the UFZ, the BGR, and the Universities in Freiberg, Kiel and Stuttgart, in the collaborative project...

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48th Geomechanics Colloquium

Current information on the 48th Geomechanics Colloquium on the 15th november 2019

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Research project GeomInt

The IfG participates in the project GeomInt, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

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53rd Geomechanics Colloquium

15. November 2025



  • IfG  Leipzig - Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH
  • TU Bergakademie Freiberg - Institut für Geotechnik, Lehrstuhl für Gebirgs- und Felsmechanik / Felsbau
  • Verein Freiberger Geotechniker e.V

9:00 Uhr

Contact: TU Bergakademie Freiberg